Thursday, April 24, 2008


Amelia gave us our first real scare this past week. She was so sick and dehydrated from some random bug she picked up that we had to take her to the Children's Hospital emergency room. We were able to get her rehydrated after some anti-nausea mediation, but that only lasted a day. The next day the entire cycle repeated itself and this went on for five days. There were repeat doctor visits, trips to the hospital, and lots of phone calls to her doctors and nurses. As of yesterday, she's doing much better. Thank you all for your prayers and concern.

Now to the fun part.

Last Thursday she had two firsts; her first visit to the emergency room and the first time she said her name. While watching photos on the laptop screensaver, she pointed and said "Me Me Aah." Yep, that’s "Amelia" said by a 20-month old. Too cute.

The other cute thing she did that was also so sad... When she would fill her diaper (with really bad diarrhea) as she did about every 30 minutes for all those days, she would stop, tap her waist, and say with a concerned tone "Oh no, Oh no!" Adorable. And then we would head upstairs to the changing table…

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